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Senario Based Questions

Sample questions
Q).  You are working on a webpage which is loading very slow, what are the steps you take to resolve the issue
Case1 #  If the page loading behavior is always slow then i will check how much time it’s taking to execute in each layer (presentation, controller, business layer & database). Once we have these details I will check and improve respective code to improve the page loading time.

Case2 # If the page loading is slow only at times and not all times that means only given time there is some background process which is taking high priority and hence the page is loading slow, in this case I will identify all the processes that are running during the time and plan the fix accordingly.

Q). You are working on a file and the same file is being updated by other team member. During the check-in process SVN/CVS gave a warning that file can’t be checked in as some one modified the same, what you will do?
Before check-in any code to repository I will get the latest code from repository, during this process if the same file is modified by me & other person then repository will give a warning. I will manually compare both the files and merge in the local machine and verify the functionalities once again with the latest code base and check in again to the repository.

Q).  Your manager came to you and asked, how many concurrent users the current website supports.
most of the cases this will be handled by capacity management team. You can say that I have not done this but I know the process, and here are the steps I can think off..
Using jMeter we created concurrent users for the website and did load testing. Based on the output we came to conclusion that with I5 processor & 4GB RAM website can support 50 concurrent user’s based on this numbers we calculated the required hardware for 1000 concurrent users.

Q).Have you worked on file stream’s. If yes, you got a requirement to process a huge csv file which consist of 10000 rows employee data. How you read the data and process the same considering the performance.
If you are familiar with threads you can give detailed answer, if not just mention create threads and read the file content to process it.
Coming to the detail answer, create 4 threads (number can be more) and schedule each thread to process about 2500 lines to complete the processing. In this case thread1-> 1 – 2500, thread2 ->  2051 – 5000 and thread3 -> 5001 – 7500 and thread4 -> 7501 – 10000. This way the processing will be faster and the execution will be done quickly. The counter questions from interviewer will be what happens if one of the thread died incase of exception. You need to inform that based on the failure point we need to reprocess the file processing

Q).Your project delivery is in progress and you see some issue in delivery, what you do?
Interviewer is trying to check how proactive you are, You can answer as, I would inform my reporting manager and tell him the issue and possible resolutions to mitigate the same.
Q). You got an defect to fix, you have very less time to fix the same. You are very new to that module, Mr. X is very familiar with that module. What’s your approach would be to fix the issue.
Here in this question interviewer trying to ask you, will he hesitate to take help from others. Your answer would be, I will try spend some time to see if I can fix it without any help, if it’s taking long time I will ask Mr X to guide me to fix as soon as possible.

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