Apache maven is a software project management and
comprehension tool provides developers a
complete build life cycle framework.
Maven provides the following;
Maven can provide benefits for your build process by
employing standard conventions and practices to acclerate your development cycle while at the same time
helping you achieve a higer rate of success.
Maven objectives
A comprehensive model for project which is
reusable, maintainable, and easier to comprehend.
Plugin or tools that interact with this
declarative model.
Setup maven
download maven from http://maven.apache.org/download.html
extract it to the directory you wish to
install maven .
set maven environment variables(M2_HOME,M2,&
files\apache software foundation\Apache-maven-2.2.1
–xmx512(this is optional)
My first maven
project in command prompt
internet connectivity
To create first project we are going to use
maven’s archetype mechanism
An archetype is defined as an original pattern
or model from which all other things of the same kind are made.
In maven, an archetype is a template of a
project which is combined with some user input to produce a working maven
project that has ben tailored to users requirements.
In order to create simple maven projects, execute the
following from the command line
Mvn archetype:generate
When this command is run for first time maven
will download all the plugins and then it will show a list of maven archetypes
to choose.
The list of archetype contains different
technologies and frameworks related project templates.
Due to more no of archetypes we cat see all
archetypes on screen so, we can apply a filter to see the related archetypes
After selecting an archetype then it will prompt
to enter group id,artifact id, version, package.
After confirming the given details maven creates
a folder structure of the selected project archetype.
Mvn compile
This command will compile source files and
places it under target/classes folder of the project
Mvn package
This command will prepare jar,war,ear file for
the project , depends on archetype of the project.
Mvn install
This command is optional to run and will store
or install the packaged jar , war,ear file to local maven repository
Repository is a place where all downloaded jar
files or plugins will be stored.
Maven downloads plugins or jars from central
repository and placed it to local repository on the developers machine.
You can find local repository in your machine
via c:/documents and settings/myfolder(system name)/.m2/repository
Example :
The following is a step by step process of creating a standalone
project in maven
C:>mvn archetype:generate
A list of archetypes will be
displayed . type a word ‘QuickStart’. Identify
maven-archetype-QuickStart in displayed list and enter its no . for example 3.
Choose a no:6 (highest version)
Group id:pack1 (package name)
Artifact id:DemoApp (project
Version: (leave it
blank press enter)
Package: (leave it
blank press enter)
Now following project structure will
be created
Now compile the program
C:>\DemoApp>mvn compile
Now maven creates a traget
directory and stores the .class file
C:\DemoApp>mvn package
Now jar file will be created in the
project directory with name DemoApp-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
Now run the application by
following command
C:>DemoApp>java –cp target\DemoApp-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar pack1.App