Let assume to have a situation where our web application
written in java wants to interact with another web application which is written
in .net. So, the question is how these
two applications will interact with each other .how we can establish
communications between them. The answer is through web services.
Let’s have following scenario where you are developing a web
application which shows the pnr status of the traveler so how to make
interactions or submit the client query to railways website so that the result
of the query will be displayed on your applications.
So, basically we have two types of interactions using web
applications. They are
Man to machine (Business 2 Machine): The best
example of this type of interaction is ATM where client enter his details and
query is processed.
Machine to machine (Business 2 Business): The
results of some universities are displayed by indiaresults.com, where india
results gets the results of students through processing the client requests
from the universities websites using web services technique.
A web service is a api given to
make communications between two different technologies or same to interact with
each other.
There are two types of web
SOAP(JAX-WS): Java api for xml web services
REST(JAX-RS): java api for xml restful services
SOAP implementations can be achieved through
Axis2- given by Apache
Metro- given by Oracle
Related terminologies:
WSDL (web-services description language): It is a help file
or api which contains details about classes, interfaces, methods, data members
etc.Actually it is a xml file contains above details of classes and methods(operations) of a Service provider
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